
The facilities of the water fitness studio are designed for small groups looking for exercise opportunities in an atmosphere that is holistic and welcoming. The saltwater pool is 16 feet by 32 feet and has a regular temperature of 88 degrees Fahrenheit at all times. Warmer than most public swimming pools. The 2000 square foot facility is designed to feel like an outdoor room with a pool in the corner. There is lots of natural light from the many windows and two sliding patio doors. There is a bathroom and six individual change rooms for your use.

All equipment is air dried and stored on shelves that were built with spacingĀ  to allow breathing; all equipment is checked and sanitized after each use.

Equipment available:

  • Buoyancy Belts are worn on your waist with the buoyancy sponge on your back. With small, medium, and large sizes they fit everyone.
  • Buoyancy dumbbells are like buoyant free weights to be used in a variety of ways in the water.
  • Sea serpent noodles are very compact and strong. Sea serpent noodles are used for yoga, pushups, and planks in the water.

    Contact Over the Deep End

    To recieve a class schedule send me an e-mail requesting the next available class schedule.

    Now Available:

    Tales of a Mermaid Gone Over The Deep End